Anti-hair loss medical treatment

It is essential to explain what anti-fall treatments we offer in order to improve hair health and avoid, as far as possible, its fall.

Lifeline treatment should begin when you start to notice a lack of density, volume or hair refinement. The specialist will determine which type of treatment is most appropriate, dose, frequency and duration.

  • If you take medications that weaken your hair.
  • If you are in times of greater intellectual or physical effort, depressions, poor diet.
  • Or it can be done as a combination treatment, a month after performing the hair graft, to maintain the rest of the hair and increase its density and thickness.

Mesotherapy consists of the combination of vitamins and the intrathermal local administration of specific stimulating master formulas for hair growth, all performed by qualified medical staff and specific and exclusive apparatus. Mesotherapy was created to achieve maximum effectiveness and no side effects in each patient and hair type. It infiltrates an exact dose and at an exact depth where the hair follicles are to generate greater vitality, slow down the fall and stimulate healthier growth of renewed hair.

It doesn’t require anesthesia, it’s painless.

12 to 24 sessions are recommended for maximum treatment effectiveness.

For the production of mesotherapy, thorough scientific and medical research work is carried out. Its extraordinary results and effectiveness have been proven in thousands of patients worldwide.

Minoxidil Lotion 2%-5%

This anti-fall lotion acts as an anti-eviction directly in the follicle, stimulating hair growth and strength in individuals with androgenetic alopecia, as well as in other specific alopecias. The formulas used have been approved internationally by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration).

It is recommended to be used in the morning and evening every day by lotion-dropper. Minoxidil recovers hair within the first twelve months of treatment and then continues to use it for maintenance.

Minoxidil, by dilating blood vessels and opening potassium channels, allows oxygen, nutrients and blood flow to reach the hair follicle. Thus the follicles that are in the resting phase fall out giving way to a longer phase where the hairs will acquire greater follicular growth.

Finasteride tablets

Its therapeutic action counteracts the effects of androgenetic alopecia and stimulates hair growth and thickening. 1 tablet of 1 mg daily is recommended. In origin, finasteride was used in 5mg to treat patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

It was observed that these patients had as contraindication the regression of baldness, the increase in volume and density of hair and in turn the growth of new hair. This creates 1mg finasteride orally to stop hair loss.

The cause of androgenetic baldness lies in the sensitivity of the follicles to Dihydrotestosterone, the follicles respond by decreasing their size. Finasteride blocks the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase type II, so it does not produce as much Dihydrotestosterone that it acts on top of the head in genetically predisposed follicles.

Amino Acid Tablets

Essential elements for hair. They stimulate the vitality and growth of the hair. They are indicated in patients excluded from the use of Finasteride, such as women who are pregnant or of childbearing potential and in patients who have had insufficiencies in the diet and who need lifeline treatment.

It is always the specialist doctor who has to determine the treatment to follow, the recommended dose and the duration of the treatment.

At Medical Hair all our patients are supervised and controlled by the specialist physician.

Combined treatment

Hair implant + lifeline treatment

It consists of the combination of the capillary implant plus life-saving treatment in those patients who require it.

It should be remembered that the capillary micrograft does not prevent the hair loss that the patient still retains, and maintaining them for as long as possible is paramount, especially in young patients with a certain genetic load.

At 20 – 30 days after hair grafting you can start with medical treatment.

The time will depend on each patient, so it will be the specialist doctor who determines when we can start or resume if pre-graft medical treatment was already underway.


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